About JanusCon
JanusCon is a live event on all things Janus and RTC!
We had the first edition in September of 2019 in a gorgeous location by the beautiful Gulf of Naples, where we were joined by about 100 WebRTC and VoIP enthusiasts from all over the world. Want to know how that went? Click here to visit the page from last year and find out!
This year we'd love to meet again, and we can't wait to see you all there for more days of concentrated fun! Learn from the Janus authors in dedicated workshops, experience what others have been doing with Janus and RTC around the world, and share your experiences with others.
One more reason to meet? Janus turns 10 years old in 2024!
It's not all about Janus
Whether you're using Janus or not, JanusCon is a great place to be! In the first edition we had speakers and attendees from an incredibly heterogeneous background, so it's a great event to join if you want to learn more about what's happening in the RTC world, and meet in a relaxed environment who's working on RTC every day!
Of course, if you are indeed using Janus or planning to, then there's no better place for sure: come learn from the authors of Janus itself, all in a gorgeous location by the beautiful Gulf of Naples!
Sun? Check!
Blue sea? Check!
Beach so close you can almost touch it? Check!
A lot of interesting presentations? Check check check!
Will there be pizza, you ask? Only one way to find out! And Napoli is... well... gorgeous! Make sure you scroll down to see what attendees had to say about our first edition!

Why Napoli?
The real question should be "why hasn't such an event happened in Napoli before"!
Some JanusCon love
What did some of the people attending the first edition think of Napoli and JanusCon? Let's find out!
What about some nice pictures?
Having fun and learning in a gorgeous setting!
Our Speakers
This list of speakers for the second edition of JanusCon is quite impressive, and we're sure you'll agree!
Schedule Details
The event will be hosted in the beautiful and comfortable Centro Congressi Federico II in Napoli. Located right in front of the iconic Castel dell'Ovo and the fascinating Borgo Marinari, there's hardly a more gorgeous spot to be! The gulf just across the street, tons of pizzerias just out of the door, and the historic center at walking distance: this venue was just the perfect choice, and we know you'll agree!
If you're interested in more information, including how to get to the venue, you can find that and more on the website of the Hotel that hosted the first edition of JanusCon, which is right next door.
Pricing plans
The second edition of JanusCon is over, but we'll meet again! Come back soon for further info.